Brickwork Ratings India Private Limited

Half Yearly Disclosures for the period from April 2016 till September 2016

(As required in Regulation 6 of SEBI Circular Ref: CIR/MIRSD/CRA/6/2010 dated May 3, 2010)

  1. Rating policies, methodology and procedures in detail regarding solicited and unsolicited ratings
    1. Rating Process
    2. Ratings Policy
    3. Ratings Criteria:
      The ratings criteria are also given for different segments including: Large Corporates, Finance, Insurance, Pooled Funds, SME, State Governments, Infrastructure, Corporate Governance etc.
    4. Rating of bank Loans: The link has information regarding type of ratings assigned for bank loans, FAQs etc.
  2. The various disclosures that are required under the regulations are given below:

  3. Credit Rating History and Defaults
    1. Details of new credit ratings assigned during April 2016 to September 2016
      Annexure I
    2. Movement of credit rating of all outstanding securities during April 2016 to September 2016
      1. Movement of each credit rating
        Annexure II
      2. Movement of each credit rating from investment grade to non-investment grade and vice versa during the period April 2016 to September 2016
        Annexure III
      3. Movement of each credit rating that has moved by more than one notch during the period April 2016 to September 2016
        Annexure IV
  4. The history of credit rating of all outstanding securities for the period ending September 2016 (30.09.2016) Annexure V