Our Vision

Our Vision

To be a leading Credit Rating Agency rooted in Indian ethos and aspirations, serving clients big and small.
Our Mission

Our Mission

To offer independent, transparent, consistent and accurate credit ratings based on proven analytical tools, sectoral knowledge, domain expertise and integrity.
Brickwork Ratings Core Values


Our analyses are unbiased and grounded on independence, honesty and fairness. We make decisions in the interest of investors to create economic value for the market.


We are aware that our opinions and analyses affect the market and take responsibility for our rating opinions and actions.
Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement

We believe in continuous improvement and strive to improve our analytical rigour, process adherence and compliance levels, leveraging on training and technology as enablers.


We believe in teamwork and leverage on the expertise of our colleagues and leadership teams to provide the most reliable opinions to our customers and investors.