Brickwork Ratings India Private Limited
Half Yearly Disclosures for the period from April 2017 till September 2017
(As required in Regulation 6 of SEBI Circular Ref: CIR/MIRSD/CRA/6/2010 dated May 3, 2010)
- Rating policies, methodology and procedures in detail regarding solicited and unsolicited ratings
- Rating Process
- Ratings Policy
- Ratings Criteria:
The ratings criteria are also given for different segments including: Large Corporates, Finance, Insurance, Pooled Funds, SME, State Governments, Infrastructure, Corporate Governance etc.
- Rating of bank Loans: The link has information regarding type of ratings assigned for bank loans, FAQs etc.
The various disclosures that are required under the regulations are given below:
- Credit Rating History and Defaults
- Details of new credit ratings assigned during April 2017 to September 2017
Annexure I
- Movement of credit rating of all outstanding securities during April
2017 to September 2017
- Movement of each credit rating
Annexure II
- Movement of each credit rating from investment grade to non-investment grade and vice versa during the period April 2017 to September 2017
Annexure III
- Movement of each credit rating that has moved by more than one notch during the period April 2017 to September 2017
Annexure IV A,
- The history of credit rating of all outstanding securities for the period ending September 2017 (30.09.2017)
Annexure V